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Water Levels Gotcha down?
Unleash the Power of the Push!
Push Cam's are a great tool for rapid inspection, but manufacturers seem to have missed their target on the physics that actually make them perform well. The main problem is FRICTION!

With most standard skids, they try and push trough the funk on the bottom of the pipe. Also, they literally focus on the lower half of the pipe. Why spend all that time and energy down low?
Here is the solution to so many issues with push Cam's. Our Skid's take a very different approach to getting a great video quickly. With our Skid, friction is reduced by changing the angle of the camera head and lifting part of the heavy spring of off contact with the pipe. In addition, the camera is now angled upward to view the entire pipe. Lastly, the shape used, means that the contact surface is always a large radius no matter how it rides. Why plow, when you can glide?
The KS One is the workhorse of our Skid's. It performs well in 6", 8" 10" and 12" pipes of all materials. Note: If there are tight bends in a 6" pipe, it may not work. Our smaller Skid might be needed.